Thursday, July 2, 2015

String Quartet

Beading is not always about stitching. Yes, it’s me saying this, the seed bead-a-rama mama.  Beads are so cool sometimes they only need to be strung together to shine, no eensy beady sewing required. So it doesn’t matter if you can’t tell peyote from St. Petersburg. Stringing is in general an easy skill level.

Take these fire-polished beads in new pastel colors. The colors are what inspired me. Super slinky shimmery matte metallic colors.  But the beads have a specific trait perfect for stringing: The bead holes are a good size for beading wire, S-lon cord,  thin leather, waxed linen, and sure, beading thread, too, if you want. You don't even need to crimp on a clasp.If you can tie a knot you can make a necklace, just size it to fit over your head. Or knot on a clasp for a bracelet. As long as you can get the string or wire or cord through the bead, it’s a good bead for stringing.

I chose beading wire for a 3-strand design because I was going to use a lot of beads, and the weight warranted wire. But I also used cord to macramé a few beads. See, knots. You can tie a knot, right? Used a big-eyed needle to pass the thicker-than-thread cord through the beads. Easy to thread those needles.

As you can see, many people here at Beadsmith dug the necklace. The beads spoke to them as wearers. Quite the string quartet, wouldn’t you say?

See more about the pastel fire-polished beads here and then ask for them and more simply stringable beads at your local bead shop!

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